Friday, 21 September 2012

Preschool Lion Mask

Heres my first tester for preschool crafting sessions, as practised on my 2yr old
Materials Needed
card cut into shape of lion face with eyes cut out and holes added to sides for attaching string to later (i drew round small plate for main face and then added a semi circle using a cup for the chin)
Brown card or felt cut into semi circle for nose, ovals for ears, and strips for whiskars;
Yellow card cut into triangles for front mane;
tissue paper in orange and yellow;
yellow paint; glue; string; painting equipment

1. paint mask yellow
2. glue on nose, ears, whiskers and yellow triangles (mane)
3. on reverse glue on strips of tissue paper from the mane
4. once dry tie string to make into a mask

when painting in a single colour dont worry about letting dry between glueing, children of this age are not patient and rarely return back to a project.
make a game of chasing your finger with paintbrush to get them to paint all areas of mask, or to glue in correct area



Anonymous said...

That's so much fun to do. Thanks for the idea!
gold coast montessori

Becky said...

thanks, there will be more tutorials for preschool coming this week