Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Diawali Lanterns

A4 Coloured Card (precut as instructed)
printed rangoli patterns about 2" narrower in width than card
Double sided tape
Hole punch

1) fold colored card in half length way, draw a line about 1" from top. Cut verticle slits from fold to the line drawn about 1" apart. Open up and this forms your lantern
2) allow child to decorate rangoli patterns
3) adhere double sided tape to top and bottom lengths of pattern paper
4) attach lantern top to pattern, allow lantern to dome out along fold and attach bottom part to pattern
5)using hole punch make holes on either side of the top of the lantern and thread string through to form a handle

i found patterns by doing an internet image search, simple patterns work best
lanterns can also be decorated to add sparkle

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